
Need some more information about anything dog? Please include your dogs name, breed, age, training history, your goals and location. We aim to answer all enquiries within 24 hours.

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Dog Training Members receive exclusive member discounts for dog brands.

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Fancy a Treat?

Our extensive network of small businesses and industry leaders allows us to provide you with the highest quality training essentials!

Exclusive Perks
Dog and Puppy Group Training in Surrey, Essex, Berkshire and Hertfordshire.


Train Confidently

Cult of Dogs are proud to be insured by Protectivity, ensuring your peace of mind so we can focus on a positive training experience for all.

Our Policy
Monthly Giveaways to all Cult of Dogs Training Members filled with dog treats and more!

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Training to Win

A thank you to our dedicated handlers who work tirelessly every week to reach their goals. For every session attended, you receive an entry into our monthly giveaway!